Thursday, May 6, 2010

Acts 15-18

If people think they are in a church where disagreements abound, they need to read Acts. The early leaders find themselves in theological and organizational debates. We should be thankful that in chapter 15, they decided that we can be followers of Jesus without following Jewish law. Big step theologically 15.11 "we believe that we will be saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, just as they will." and also a big step in polity, man are no longer required to be circumcized.

Paul and Barnabus part ways over a disput about John Mark. Each take off with other traveling partners as early circuit riders returning to they home churches they started.

In chapter 16 entire households 16.15 and entire familes 16.33 are baptized on the faith of one person. As Methodists we baptize infants and children based on the faith of the parents and congregation, believing that God works in the life of the child until they can profess for themselves. It appears that happened in the early years of the church.

Paul used every opportunity to share the gospel. At all times even in jail or in Athens with the unknown god, Paul finds way to proclaim the good news.

As a woman it was exciting to read the part women played in the growth of the early church. In chapter 18 we read about Priscilla and Aquilla. Interesting she is named first. Interesting they minister as a team. Interesting that they have to improve a man's theology.

The Acts of the Apostles really helps us see the length, breadth, and depth of God's Spirit working through the lives of people to grow the church. Reading these stories challenge my belief of what faithful living looks like. What do you think?

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