Friday, May 28, 2010

1 Samuel 4-13

Chapters 4-6 The people Israel bring the ark of the covenant to a battle and are defeated then the ark is captured. When the Philistines have the ark the scripture says "the hand of the Lord" or "the hand of God" is at work against them. The ark is returned.
Lots of questions arise. Was God not with the Israelites in battle? Was this war of their own making? Were they trusting in a thing, the ark, and not in God?
Maybe this story is to remind us not to put our trust in things. Also maybe it is to remind us not to make gods (idols) out of even things we call holy. Maybe we are reminded that we should listen to God's voice before venturing into new territory.

Chapters 7-13
Samuel administered justice for Israel. When he gets older his sons Joel and Abijah are to judge, but they "did not follow in his ways, but turned aside after gain; they took bribes and perverted justice." 8.3 The people decide they want a king like other nations. God warns the people of the ways of kings 8.11-18. God warns them not to seek a king, but to follow the LORD. The people persist and God gives Samuel permission. Saul is selected by God and anointed by Samuel to be king. God puts a new heart and a new spirit in Saul. Samuel warns the people that even though they have a king, their allegiance to and faith should be in God. Saul takes on the authority of a priest and offers the burnt sacrifice. When Samuel arrives he says,
"You have done foolishly; you have not kept the commandment of the LORD your God..... The LORD would have established your kingdom over Israel forever, but now your kingdom will not continue; the LORD has sought out a man after his own heart..." 13.13-14.
During these readings I kept thinking. When people listen to God, follow God, and obey God's word, good happens. When people don't listen to God, pervert God ways, and do whatever is against God's word, bad happens. This is the theology that the book of Job argued against. Is there another way to look at God blessing with good and God cursing with bad? Can we assume that when people listen to God, follow God, and obey God's word that is a blessed-good way of living even if it doesn't bring wealth and success. Can we say that not listening to God, perverting God ways, and doing whatever is against God's word is a cursed-bad way of living even if it brings earthly wealth and success. Maybe the blessing and the cursing is in the living in a right relationship with God and not in the receiving of special advantage or gift of any form on earth.

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