Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mark 8:22-12:27; Hosea 1:1-7:2

Mark's Gospel is fast paced and the stories often condensed. There are many healing and teaching moments in our readings. These are just a few that resonated with me this week.

Three times Jesus prepares his disciples for his death. This may be a good lesson for us. One not to fear death. Two not to be afraid to talk about the possibility of death with our loved ones. Three make plans so our loved ones are aware of how you feel and what you expect. Death will happen, but taking away the fear is a journey we can do together.

One of those verses I appreciate comes at 9.24, The father of a sick child says, "I believe, help my unbelief." Often I find that to be true in my life. I believe God can do all things, I believe God can use us and change us, but when things are not moving or changing at my desired speed, I pray, "I believe, help me unbelief."

The key verses for me in the story of the rich man who is not willing to sell everything and give the money to the poor in order to follow Jesus are 10.17 and 10.27 The man first asked what must I do to gain eternal life? At the end of the story Jesus reminds the disciples "For mortals it is impossible, but not for God, for God all things are possible." We don't earn eternal life, it is a gift from the One who can give it.

Jesus is quick to remind us that forgiveness comes from us and to us. In 11.25 Jesus implies for us to receive from God, we must practice by forgiving others first.

The story of Hosea is interesting. The prophet's marriage to a prostitute is used to reflect God's relationship with Israel. Israel abandons God and chases after other gods. Israel is not faithful, but God's love is steadfast.

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