Friday, April 30, 2010

Acts of the Spirit in the Apostles

Yes, I know the book in the Bible is called Acts of the Apostles, but with careful reading one might want to title the book Acts of the Holy Spirit. Through these reading we see lives changed. People willing to face persecution, stoning, death. All for the privilege of following and knowing the risen Christ. It was dangerous to be a disciple(still is in many places in the world). A disciple was putting his/her live on the line for Jesus. I wonder if my faith is that strong. Do I share how God has worked in Jesus and in my life? Do I endure everything for the sake of others who need to hear the gospel? Then I remember that it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that these people acted. The power of the Holy Spirit gives the words, the strength, the passion to be faithful in all circumstances. In Antioch the followers of the way of Jesus were first called Christians. They endured hardship, but the church continued to grow, because they never stop sharing Christ with others. In my community there are still many who need to hear about Jesus yet the challenge is to share Christ even if we don't face hardship and persecution. The challenge is to share Christ even when not our lives but our feelings are on the line. My prayer is for the Holy Spirit to empower me for this challenge in this time.

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