Monday, April 20, 2009

Everything Old is New Again

We are starting a sermon series on Worship from ancient through the 21st century. While doing the research, it occured to me that many of the ideas consider new are ancient and many of the formats considered traditional came in last few hundred years. Is it possible that the Holy Spirit keeps reminding us that the format can vary as long as the heart is yearning for God? Is it possible that the Holy Spirit creates the openings for adoration as varied as the people who come? Is it possible that we really are not incharge of worship but just participants with the One who enspires, the One who is adored, and the One who is listening to our hearts? Come Holy Spirit, make our worship new again.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter happened. Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote "Earth is crammed with heaven and every common bush afire with God, but only he who sees takes off his shoes." I suppose she was thinking of Moses, but I am thinking of resurrection people who see the amazing things God does everyday and stand in awe. Thanks be to God for the empty tomb. Alleluia!

Friday, April 10, 2009

My prayer for Good Friday

LORD Jesus, there is much in scripture we do not understand. There is much in scripture with which we struggle. Why did You come to die? Why were You willing to die? What did You finish when You died? As we remember Your passion, may tears of sadness fill our hearts. As we remember Your death, may tears of repentance fill our souls. Forgive us, LORD. Forgive all that we have done or left undone that caused You to go to the cross….. Forgive all that we have said or left unsaid that caused You to go to the cross….. Let the love poured out on the cross transform us. By Your Spirit and with Your grace heal us in body, mind, and spirit. From this day forward, may our love for You be as visible to the world as Your love was on the cross. Amen